Will a cup become unaffordable?
We came across this article ,published by a Canarian newspape, that states that the price of every cup of coffee might go up by 20 cts. Which is describes as a threat. Coffee is the human gasoline so people get upset by the idea that that daily coffee will become unaffordable. We think the article lacks nuance.
We serve high quality coffee, made by a high quality machine. We have already raised prices a couple of months ago, which was the first time in more than 12 years. The small coffees went up by 10 cents, the large ones by 20. The luxury ones a little more.
Logically we had to do it due to the increase in all expenses: the coffee itself, the other ingredients, electricity (also for the dishwasher), labour, etc. etc.
It means that the price of coffee beans is only a part of the price of a coffee that reaches the table and moreover small part.
Raising the price of each cup by 20 ct (whether it is an espresso or a latte) is not realistic. Although the amount of ground coffee is the same for each cup, one must look at the percentage of the increase because each product has to contribute its part to the profitability of the bar.
An espresso is not the same as a cappuccino or an Irish coffee. The usual cut must be accessible to everyone. A special bar or an iced coffee is like making a cocktail.
So we think that, as one can also read in the comments, the article only causes discomfort among consumers. Especially because they assume that each cup should increase by 20 cents.
Well, that's how we see it. Price increases from time to time are inevitable. But it has its reasons and as far as we are concerned always within reason.